Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Again, due to early work at the Depot, I skipped breakfast again.

Mid morning snack
Low fat wheat thins

Smart Ones - Raviolis
Low fat wheat thins

Sushi (from Price Chopper)
Papa Johns Cinna-pie

I would have done really well today but for the cinna-pie, but it's hard not to have it when Marc didn't finish it off, because it is SOOOO tasty! And again, no exercise, but two jobs wear this girl out! I did get to the grocery store today though, so I should have more healthy food for this upcoming week, which makes me happy. And I got the paper which has coupons for more diet foods! Double score!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ok, so I had to go to Home Depot incredibly early today, so breakfast was skipped, which I know is bad for both the diet and keeping the metabolism up, but some mornings, it can't be helped. Moving on...

Mid morning snack
Twix bars (at first I forgot I had the orange, so got something from the vending machine)

Smart ones - fettuccine alfredo with broccoli
Carrot Sticks

Mid afternoon snack
Ritz Crackerfuls

Papa johns pizza and cinna-pie

Ok, the day other than the dinner would have been fine, but Marc ordered take out, and it was just so much easier after a day of working, where I ended up having to stay late, because a girl got fired (for good reason) ... but they didn't really figure on replacing her hours till the last second, when they begged those of us who clearly need the money to stay. The other problem was that I ate dinner entirely too late. I'll try harder next week, I promise. And next week I plan on exercising more as well. I will beat myself into it eventually. And REALLY need to go food shopping.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 26. 2010

Alright, we are really cooking now.

Activia Light Yogurt - Vanilla

Smart Ones - Ravioli Florentine
Carrot Sticks

Afternoon snack
Ritz Crackerfuls

Chicken Marsala (takeout, not home made)

All in all, not a bad day, dinner was eaten too late in the night, because I had to work both jobs, but what else is new? I really need to go get some groceries this weekend!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Alright, back again.

Activia Light Yogurt - Vanilla

Smart Ones - Salisbury Steak w/mac and cheese
Carrot Sticks

Ritz Crackerfuls

After dinner (after job two)
Two slices of potato bread toast w/butter
Left over valentines day candy

This day was not as consistent as I would have liked. I forgot to pack dinner for between jobs, so I saved a bunch of my food to eat at dinner, and therefore was even hungrier when I got home. Thankfully, I was also so TIRED when I got home that I couldn't make a whole lot to eat. I need to pick up more protein bars and more salad stuff. But two jobs makes me too tired to grocery shop.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Alrighty! I'm at least on a roll with posting, even if my diet has not caught up to being daily today. Today it snowed so much that I was not able to go to work, so I was lazy around the house, I skipped breakfast and my mid morning snack, which I know was bad, because I should keep my metabolism going all day if I want to lose any weight. So here's food for the day.

Left over home made penne a la vodka and garlic bread made with wheat bread

Red Lobster - lobster stuffed tilapia, with baked potato and broccoli, salad and cheese biscuits

After dinner snack
White chocolate hot chocolate from Dunkin Donuts

Now, I realize this was not the healthiest day, but it snowed and we had no groceries. Plus I love me some Red Lobster. I know the biscuits were bad for me, but you should have seen my dinner, I think the cook was intentionally trying to clog my arteries. My potato had so much butter on it, that I had to pick half of it off. Which thrilled the man, cause he put it on his on his fish, and it also came with a little tub of butter that you would see with steamed clams, except, I had NO clams. I just had broccoli, which was steamed. I had no idea what it was for, until the man dumped it all over his broccoli. So I was more well behaved that I could have been, plus I did not eat the whole bit and had leftovers to boot.

No exercise today, but oh well. I might sign up for a cardio kickboxing class, where people will belittle me if I don't show up all the time.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Alright, day two back on the wagon. Let's keep it up!

Yogurt - Activia, vanilla

Smart Ones - Chicken Enchiladas Suiza
Carrot Sticks

Mid Afternoon Snack
Ritz's Crackerfuls

Left over penne a la vodka and garlic bread

After Dinner snack
Left over Valentine's Day Candy - 3 pieces

Again, a perfectly good day until we hit dinner, which destroyed the rest of the day. And the candy that needs to go. Again no exercise.... other than the horizontal Irish jig, if you catch my meaning. But sex is supposed to burn a phenomenal amount of calories. So hopefully that helped.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Well here I am, back on the wagon, and hopefully to stay this time! I know yesterday I said maybe my dieting skills were weaker in the winter, when I don't need to be in sundresses or swimsuits ... but that time is fast approaching whether I like it or not, so I need to get back in line here.

Yogurt - Fiber One, Strawberry

Mid Morning Snack
Protein Bar - Balance Bar Carb well

Smart Ones - Fettuccine Alfredo with Broccoli

Mid Afternoon Snack
Ritz's Crackerfuls

Home made penne a la vodka (home made sauce too!)
Garlic bread made with a wheat loaf

After dinner
Left over valentines day candy - 4 pieces

Thought on this day ... I did well until dinner. I know I should get back on the Activia yogurts, but they freaking taste like chalk. The Balance Bar is not as good for me as the Zone Perfect bars... but it's almost as good, and it's consistency is easier to eat. Lunch is alright, I prefer the 3 cheese ziti to the alfredo, but the store was out when I went. I like the Ritz crackerful packs better than 100 calorie snack packs. Sure there is only one cracker and it has 130 calories, but it is somehow more satisfying. Oranges are always good. Dinner was HELLA fattening... but I love cooking and this is one of my favorite things to make. Cooking calms me down the way yoga calms some people down. It brings me back to center. I made myself a deal by getting the Smart Taste pasta, which is made with whole grains and wheat bread for the garlic bread... but still, it had more calories than the rest of the day combined. And I really wish we (Re: MARC) would finish off the candy so I stop picking at it at night.

Also, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, need to start exercising. I own a Wii, with a Wii fit... maybe I need you all to start belittling me each day that I don't work out. I always work out more under pressure. I used to live with a girl who dragged me to the gym all the time, and I was in much better shape then.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yes, I know, I fell off the wagon again... both on trying to eat better, and on trying to document my efforts. But I think that this blog will help me in seeing if my efforts are seasonally based (because I don't need to be in a swimsuit in February) ... or if exercise is easier for me when rugby's being played (and someone will make me feel guilty if I don't show) ... So I think even falling off the wagon may help in the future. We shall see.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yogurt - Fiber One - Strawberry

Ahhh, I need to buy fruit. Also, I know I was supposed to stay on those activia ones, but they tasted like CHALK! And I had a coupon for this kind. The end.

Mid morning snack
Zone perfect bar - Dark Chocolate Mocha

Hard to believe these things only have 180 calories and have soooo much protein. I love them.

Salad = spinach, red leaf lettuce, tomatoes, onions, roasted chicken, 2 tbsp 100 island

I like my salads

Mid afternoon snack
100 calorie snack pack - nip cheese crackers
Carrot sticks

I have to get another vegetable choice. Maybe green peppers or green beans. I like those. Mmmmm cheesy crackery goodness... all 8 tiny crackers of it.

Eggs Florentine & 90 Calorie Roasted Potatoes (that go in the microwave!)

This is because I have to go grocery shopping, I was forced to eat what was left in the house. Which included tasty, tasty calorie packed hollendaise sauce. Then I ate some Valentine's Day candy... just to stay fat. BAH! However, I did have some exercise tonight, in the form of the horizontal Irish Jig. 0:-) ... they say sex burns a BUNCH of calories!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Yogurt - activia light
Cherry tomatoes

I forgot to buy fruit this week thus far, but I like tomatoes better than bananas, so I'm not sad.

Mid morning snack
Zone perfect bar - dark chocolate mocha

I like these

Smart Ones - Southwestern wrap

Gotta love when a company makes something that gives you the appropriate amount of veggies, protein and grains per meal - LITTLE high on the sodium though.

Afternoon snack
100 calorie snack pack - cheese nip crackers
Carrot sticks

Man the crackers are so much tastier, and I'm allowed to have so few of them as compared to the carrots.

Honey Chipoltle Encrusted Salmon
Lemon Butter Noodles
Southwestern Corn Mix

The noodles are the best part, and I have to have such a small portion of them. But everything else is spicy and tasty!

The worst part, is that I followed this up with entirely too much Valentine's day candy! Cause it was on sale, and cheap today, and chocolate makes me happy. Boo. No weight loss looking possible this week. Must put exercise on the to-do list.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Well we've narrowly avoided a Friday the 13th for this month. That being said, here goes nothing.


No yogurt, because I have to work at the Home Depot this morning, and that stuff is hard to eat on the go.

Mid morning snack
Zone bar, dark chocolate mocha

These things really help me get through the morning.

Salad - spinach, red leaf lettuce, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, 2tbsp 1000 island
Soup - Campbell's soup-to-go New England clam chowder

I could probably eat a variant of soup/salad lunch every day and never get sick of it ... that's 1 good thing I've got going for this diet

Mid afternoon snack
100 calorie snack pack crackers - nip cheese
Carrot sticks

I have to vary the carrot sticks with other veggie snacks, otherwise I'm going to lose my mind.

Cheesecake Factory's Spicy Chicken Chipoltle Pasta

This thing has more calories than a week of lunch and breakfast, but it is SOOOOO tasty. And we were out because out-of-town friends were IN town. Which call for celebration!

After dinner

Too many empty calories in beers. I wish there was a calorie free alcoholic beverage that did not taste like gin.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, Feburary 12, 2010

Activia light yogurt, strawberry

The activia yogurt still tastes like chalk. And banana's are not my fav, but I need the potassium.

Mid-morning snack
Zone bar, dark chocolate mocha

I could learn to like these things, they're ALMOST like candy

Salad - spinach, red leaf lettuce, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, roasted check, 2tbsp 1000 island dressing
Soup - Campbells 2 go, tomato

I always like lunch like this, it's tasty .

Afternoon snack
Carrot sticks
100 calorie crackers - nip cheese

The crackers are of course tastier and there are never enough of them

Chicken, broccoli alfredo
Garlic bread

SOOOOOO many carbs, sooooooo much fat. But the boyfriend ordered take-out, and it was my favorite, what's a girl to do?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Alright, back on track. Packed a full bag of food today, because I have to hit up both jobs. Awesome. I'm ready to get back towards losing 30 lbs and toning some abs, so that in vacay photos this year, I will look H-O-T-T... that's right 2 Ts.

Activia Light Yogurt, strawberry

Apparently this Activia yogurt is also supposed to help regulate my digestive system and make me feel healthier. We shall see Activia, we shall see. I really need to buy some disposable cups and start making my breakfast into a shake. I would be much happier with my breakfast if it were blended and frozen. Mmmmm, frozen.

Mid-morning snack
Zone Perfect Bar, Dark Chocolate Mocha

This thing is MUCH tastier than those balance fruit bars. (Not that it's actually tasty at all) and it's got more protein and only 20 more calories. I think I've hit upon the protein bar winner ladies and gents.

Salad: spinach, red leaf lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, 2tsbp 1000 island dressing, roasted lean meat chicken
Campbell's soup to go, tomato

I actually enjoy this lunch, it makes me happy. Granted, it would make me happier if there were croutons on the salad. But those are carbs, and carbs are evil.

Mid afternoon snack
100 Calorie Snack Pack - Nip Cheese Crackers

Oh man, there are so few of these, and they are sooooo tasty. I guess this is why I buy them in 100 calorie packs... so I don't EAT a whole box.

Smart Ones Flatbread Wrap, Mozzerella & Chicken & Roasted Peppers
Carrot sticks

The Smart Ones this is actually quite tasty, not quite as good as the Lean Cuisine's ... but SOs were on sale, and oh, I had a coupon, making them uber cheap and what I'm eating this week.

Late night snack
Two pieces whole grain toast, with tiny bit of Olivio

Man, I can't seem to stop the late night snacking can I? I tried to have an orange, really I did, but my body is still craving the carbs. AND I did no exercise today, because if I had, I'd feel less guilty about the bread. Ah well, better luck tomorrow I hope.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I know, I've been on hiatus.

Due to a serious bout with the flu, even though I had my flu shot this year, I was eating whatever I wanted, not exercising, and not really giving a rat's behind about the results. I just wanted to get better, and to be able to breath out of my nose again. So having nearly achieved those two things, I hope to start up on recording my eating and exercising habits again tomorrow.
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